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Ground floor

David LaChapelle

Jesus is My Homeboy: Last Supper
Digital C-print
190.5 x 355.6 cm

The Last Supper in the New Testament is the final meal that Jesus shares with his 12 apostles before his crucifixion. Did you know that The Last Supper was also a Passover meal? This is why precious symbols like broken bread that reference Christ’s body given for us and wine representing His shed blood are consumed during Passover. In doing so, we see the redemptive nature of Christ’s death in atonement for our sins.

Famously, The Last Supper was immortalized by the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci, and his painting has become an icon in its own right. Ever since artists have reinterpreted this composition by adding their own vision and style. How would you envision the Last Supper, and what characters would you have seated at the table?

David LaChapelle