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Robbie Williams – Pride and Self-Prejudice

Robbie Williams

When I went to rehab for the first time in the 90s, one exercise they did was to ask me to write down all the negative things I think about myself – it was easy and the pen flowed.

Then, and I wasn’t expecting this, they asked me to write down all the positive things I think about myself. I stared hard at the paper for ages, biro in hand, completely blank. Not one single positive thing came to mind.

Time has passed and I feel empathy for the younger me. At times, I don’t know if the page will remain unwritten. We also have a habit of being able to recklessly, and with gay abandon, say all the negative stuff but none of the positive. I implore you to write down all the positive stuff you would say about yourself without fear of someone thinking you’re a big head.

I’ll start.

  1. I’m kind.
  2. I’m empathic.
  3. I’m loyal.
  4. I’m charismatic.
  5. I’m creative.

There you go! I started, you go now.

Robbie Williams